Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Supports

My parents-
They support me by always believing in me.  They are always there for me no matter what.  They support me with their unconditional love and advice.  I call my mom and dad every day and go home often to visit too.  We have a very understanding relationship and that benefits me because I am able to count on them for anything.  Family is so important to me and without them I would lose the foundation of my understanding of a positive family dynamic.

My sister-
She is always there for me on a level that no one else can reach.  I always text her and call her because we have so many inside jokes.  The benefits of having her as my support is that she is dependable, wise and makes me so happy because of the fun and understanding relationship we have.  Without her I would lose that level of support, I don’t think anyone could understand me like my sister does. 

My coworkers-
On a workday I look to them for support in different ways.  They support my work and role on the job.  They depend on my expertise and I depend on them to learn new things and collaborate. Even in the lunchroom I know I can expect to have a good time with them.  They support me by making the work environment fun and informative which benefits my work ethic.  Without them work wouldn’t be as fun and informative.

My phone-
I simply had to include my phone because it is the way I communicate with all my human supports.  I also do not have a landline phone so my cell phone is my only support in an emergency.  The benefit is how easy it makes communication because I can call, text and email.  I even use it as my alarm, calendar/planner and set reminders for myself.  Without it I would have to get a landline phone and use the old paper and pen way to note things.  I still use post-it’s a lot but I imagine how much more it would be without the convenience of my smartphone.

Financial Aid-
It made all of this possible.  It supports me financially so that I am able to continue my education to get a higher degree and get a better job.  The benefit is that it keeps me motivated because I know that one day I will have to pay everything back.  Without it I would have to work a lot, keep saving until I had enough or ask my parents for help.

My music-
I love my music so I am constantly listening to it.  It supports my well-being and benefits me by making me happy or helping me get through things.  Without it I would be hard because there never goes a day when I do not listen to music.

The challenge I chose to imagine is deafness.  I learned to sign the alphabet in kindergarten and never forgot it.  In high school I took a year of sign language and got pretty good at it.  If I were a person who is deaf the support I would want would be simple, for people to understand the challenge and be kind about it.  Potential benefits of this support would make the challenge less challenging because there would be a shared, respectful and positive understanding.  The support I would need might be a hearing aid, a translator or a pen and paper to write things for people.


  1. Rosana,
    i enjoyed reading about your support system. a strong support system is what is needed to make it in this society. You have family, friends and co-workers that are a part of the support. We should always value family because family is at the core of the support foundation.i hope youcontinued sucess with the strongess of the support network.

    Your challenge is one of great importance. Alot of people can not understand the joys of sound. i currenly work with hearing is a daily challege to keep everyone abreast that they ae deaf. i curently work in a cafe. people approach them all the time. A sign cannot b worn to advertise their handicap. we explain, the customers look dumbfounded. It is truly a blessing to communicate whether it is voice sign or just symbols.

  2. Rosana,
    Thanks for the comment on my blog! I loved that you listed music as a support for you; I also love music, and often use it as a "therapy", or support, no matter the mood Im in. My family, my phone, and financial aid are also major supports of mine as well! As impossible as it may seem, I think of all of the above mentioned supports, the only one I could manage to function without is my phone! :) Thanks again for sharing!!

  3. Rosana,

    I loved reading you post. It is very inspiring to her the close relationship you have with parents and your sister. It is always so positive when parents can partake in their children's lives and their future. It was a great example about your challenge of deafness. That is truly a challenge to have to overcome and their is a definitely need for support to a person who is deaf. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hello Rosana,
    I enjoyed reading about your support system. I started laughing when I got pass the reading about your co-worker. I like the fact you included your cell phone, music and financial aid and explained how each of these things plays the role of support to you. I did not think of that, but could have well included it; because you are right the cell phone allows us to connect to lots of people, it is almost like surfing the internet. Without the financial aid it can be difficult to afford or finish our education and music can take ones’ mind off trouble and can possible making a person feel good with every pitch, beat or tune that is playing.

  5. Rosana Thank you so much for your post. I love the fact that you use music as a support system. Like you, music (classical music) help me get through things and help me to also focus on my work. Other than listening to music, crafting (e.g. crochet, cross stitch, sowing etc.) help me get through things as well. I find it to be very soothing. Thank you again for your post.

  6. Hi Rosana:
    I enjoyed reading your post about your supports. I have two sisters who are definitely my ladders holders. They are always there for me at any given time. We share a bond like no other. Thanks for sharing...
