national/federal organizations or communities of practice that appealed to me
National Association for the Education
of Young Children-
I chose this
association because of all the work it does in all areas pertaining to young
children. They have published many
articles about culture and language and as a part of this masters program, we
are required to read some of these. One
of these resources is their position statement on responding to linguistic and
cultural diversity. I would feel honored to work with them.
The job
opportunity that interests me here is working with the division that focuses on
diversity, specifically culture and language.
Looking at the types of articles they have published in their journal, I
see that they are taking into consideration the factors and issues that relate
to diversity. I would like to be a part
of the team that helps with the research and presentation of this important
Division for Early Childhood-
I chose this organization because
it offers a position statement specifically on integrating cultural and
linguistic diversity into policy and practice.
The document outlines, for professionals, how to be responsive to
children, families, and other professionals regarding these topics.
The job opportunity that
interests me here is the lead teacher in a toddler classroom. The fact that a preferred qualification is the
ability to speak a language other than English is what stood out for me. I feel that for me working with the children
directly is where I can make a difference and also by building relationships
with families.
National Institute for Early Education
I chose this
institute because they publish research on different topics in early childhood education
and child development. It also assists
state and national policy makers and other organizations.
As far as job
opportunities, the institute is looking for data collectors nationwide to help
with their research. Their research
topics include English Language Learners which is the area I would be
interested in working in.