Saturday, January 31, 2015

Communication Evaluation

What surprised me the most was the differences in how a family member evaluated me versus a colleague.  My sisters’ responses and evaluation was more similar to my own results than were the responses my coworker.  She knows me on a more personal level and my coworker knows me in a professional way.  I learned that my verbal aggressiveness is moderate and that I try to maintain a good balance between respect and consideration for others.  I learned that my communication anxiety is situational and that my listening style is people-oriented.  Each might inform my professional work and personal life in a beneficial way because they all bring awareness to my strengths and weaknesses in my communication skills.  For example, my listening style of being empathetic and concerned with the emotions of others will be helpful in my professional work because I can effectively communicate with children and parents and in my personal life it helps me be a good listener to my friends and family.  

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Communication and Culture

I do find myself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures.  For example, I communicate differently with parents than I do with my coworkers.  While both call for professional communication I am more serious with the parents.  I also communicate differently with my coworkers differently based on the context of whether we are in the classroom or in the lunchroom.  In my position as an intervention specialist, my communication with the first grade students I work with has to be very clear, kind and have a tone of authority as well as I teach them academic skills.  As far as cultures I have the opportunity to interact with students and families from different countries like Mexico, Vietnam, El Salvador, Yemen, Guatemala and Yemen.  I do try my best to interact with people accordingly.  For example, the families from Guatemala speak their native language Mam and no English so we revert to the common language of Spanish to communicate.  Sometimes their Spanish is very limited as well so I try to use simple vocabulary and lots of hand gestures and facial expressions.

Based on what I have learned this week, three strategies that I could use to help me communicate more effectively with people or groups I have identified are:

1.) Be aware of perceptual barriers like narrow perspectives, stereotyping and prejudices (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2012).  Knowledge of these can help avoid negative interactions. 

2.) Use cultural differences as advantages to connect with people through learning experiences.

3.) Follow the Platinum Rule of communication which states, “Do to others as they themselves would like to be treated” (Beebe, et. al., 2011, p.114).  Consideration is key.

Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

O'Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Nonverbal Communication

For the television show I chose 30 Rock.  With the sound off you can tell about the character’s relationships based on their ways of communication.  You can tell about what their personality is like individually.  You can also tell which people are friends, when there is romantic interest and when there is hesitation to trust someone new. 

Based on nonverbal behavior I observed feelings of embarrassment, confidence, excitement, confusion, boredom and stress.  These were expressed through hand gestures, posture, eye contact and facial expressions.  In this particular episode there were hugs and someone even threw a water bottle.  Most interestingly there was one character who communicated through post it notes and never spoke.  He would hold the paper up in front of the persons face and would nod after hearing their response in affirmation.

After watching the show with the sound turned on most of my assumptions were correct.  The communications I observed were very clear indicators of the characters’ and the plot.  I think because the show is a comedy it was easier to understand what was going on with the sound off.  If I had been watching a crime show for example I think my assumptions would have been more wrong for the greater amount of verbal communication that occurs in those types of shows. 

I think my assumptions would have been more correct if I had been watching a show I knew well.  The assumptions would be based on all the previous knowledge of the characters and their personality development over the series.  I would even be able to predict ways of communication like particular gestures and catch phrases.

This experience was interesting in that it gave me a different perspective through experiencing it first-hand.  I learned that communication can be more effective nonverbally and it makes me think about my experience working with two children who only speak Vietnamese.  I wonder if I am being clear enough for them to be able to understand or if I need to increase my nonverbal communication skills.  

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Competent Communication

Someone I know who demonstrates competent communication would be a co-worker and friend of mine would be Ms. Shaheed.  She is the family outreach consultant at our school and I feel that she exhibits many effective communication skills.  She is very polite and respectful towards everyone.  I think these two qualities demonstrate a sense of expectation that should be reciprocated.  If you are polite and respectful to others then others are more likely to show you the same courtesy.  She does this by welcoming students and family members with a smile and positive gestures.  Since most of the parents at our school are Spanish speaking and she is not she uses her body language and tone to show that she is interested in making them feel comfortable and it works.  She is also a great listener and does this by making eye contact and nodding in agreement when you are speaking to her. 

I would definitely like to model some of my own communication behaviors after her because I feel that she does what she can to mediate situations and be biased.  I have been at meetings with parents where they are accusing teachers of things and she is able to calm everyone and come to an understanding.  It is not an easy thing to do because parents are obviously very concerned when it comes to matters about their child but she does a very good job of resolving problems.  Even though her verbal communication is limited I still think she does an excellent job of letting parents know that she is committed to providing quality services to them and their children.