When I thought about an uplifting research story
that dealt with benefits to children and families I immediately thought about a
local story I had heard about in the news.
6 year old Jayden David suffered from epileptic seizures due to his medical
condition, Dravets syndrome. His father
had tried everything including medications, 22 a day, that helped stop the
seizures but would leave his son immobile from the side effects. When his father gave him a liquid form of the
nonpsychoative form of marijuana the effects were alarming. Jayden’s daily seizures stopped and he was a
happy functioning child again.
The full article is here:
B. E., & Jacobson, C. (2013). Report of a parent survey of
cannabidiol-enriched cannabis use in pediatric treatment-resistant epilepsy. Epilepsy
& Behavior, 29(3), 574-577. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/10/health/medical-marijuana-child/
I also
found similar stories here:
And a
survey report here:
Since it is a controversial topic for adults
even, there is still official research to be done on this subject but I can see
how if it were accomplished the positive effects would help children and
families in ways that they never thought possible. That is why research is so important, the
benefits can change lives.